What Made Us Decide To Homeschool? - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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What Made Us Decide To Homeschool?

What Made Us Decide To Homeschool?

When it comes to opinions about homeschooling, I think I’ve probably come a long way in a short time.  Less than one year ago, I was just like the majority of tax-paying parents. My (small-minded) thought was that homeschoolers were either crazy, “crunchy” hippies, and or religious fanatics. I could not understand why someone would choose to homeschool when you were paying school taxes – especially when you live in a top-rated school district.  So what changed? What made us decide to homeschool?

I Was Starting to Get Worried

With approximately one year until my first child started Kindergarten, I was getting excited about the free time I was going to have. I was already creating lists in my head of all of the things I was going to get done.   At the time, my son was attending a little country preschool, which we loved.  He was in a small class of 9 kids with a fantastic teacher who was loving and disciplined at the same time.  However, I began to notice a pattern emerging, when I came to pick him up.  While all of the other kids were sitting cross-legged in a circle, listening intently to the teacher reading, Clark was bouncing up and down at the back of the class.  He was still listening and absorbing, but bouncing, none-the-less.  Bless his sweet teacher for allowing it, but I was beginning to get worried that not all teachers would be so understanding.

What Made Us Decide To Homeschool?

I Wanted Better for my Son

I spoke with Clark’s teacher about my observations and she agreed.  Public kindergarten with it’s much larger class sizes could in no way accommodate my child’s need to move!  Clark is a brilliant, sweet, kind and sensitive child.  I was suddenly faced with the possibility of my little boy being labeled as poorly behaved and probably as having attention deficit.  I had watched this happen with some of my siblings and I was determined it was not going to happen to my boy.  The possibility of him being hurt, medicated or even just stifled by confining him to a desk in a classroom was too much to consider.  

Great Minds Think Alike

.As I was trying to process all of this information, my husband came to me one day. Out of the blue suggested we homeschool our son.  Suddenly, for the first time it made sense.  We began researching, trying to learn more about it.  I spoke with several friends who had been homeschooled and who were currently homeschooling their children.  I was directed to learn about the different approaches to homeschooling and was instantly drawn to the Charlotte Mason approach.  It was perfect for Clark!   As I have continued to research homeschooling methods and results, I continue to have more and more reasons for deciding to homeschool. Here are just a few. 

The Learning Pyramid

Although there is some question as to it’s validity, we all know from life experience that there is some truth behind this theory.  My experience with public school is that it consists of the upper part of the pyramid.  Homeschooling concentrates on the lower part of the pyramid, thus eliminating much of the need to cover subjects again and again.

We Can Do Better!

In a research study (Progress Report 2009: Homeschool Academic Achievement and Demographics) commissioned by the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) in 2009, it was found that homeschoolers consistently and significantly outscore their public school counterparts in every single area of study.  It also found that a greater percentage of homeschoolers attend college than public school graduates.

Time for Adventure

Although a questionable school environment is often a reason for homeschooling, that is not the case in our family.  We live in an area where public schools are nationally recognized. However, my memories of school include a lot of wasted time in class.  We wanted to eliminate all of that wasted time and give our children a more concentrated version of school that allows much more time for childhood play and family adventures.

Personalized Instruction

We can give quality one-to-one instruction, which cannot be given at public or private school.

Movement and Growth

Movement is so important for children. To limit motion is to limit growth – mentally and physically. As homeschoolers, we have no physical restrictions such as desks, classrooms, and lines. Nor do we have mental restrictions, such as teaching-to-the-test, required curriculum, and standardized thinking. We can learn what we want, when we want, while bouncing on a ball or a trampoline. 

No Labels

There is no fear of the labels so often applied to normal, active, young children.  There is no pressure to medicate when a child needs to move.  I can nurture my child’s personality instead of boxing it up in a classroom.

What Made Us Decide To Homeschool?

Natural Environment

We can teach in a way that is natural to our children.  So many of us have grown up to accept the fact that classrooms are normal. They are common, but I don’t believe there is anything natural about them.  Classrooms promote secondhand learning.  As a homeschooler, we have the opportunity to have lots of first hand learning.

Tailored to the Student

We can teach at a rate which is acceptable to the student.  There is no worry of becoming bored with the material or being left behind.  School is tailored to the student.


The first question most often asked of homeschoolers is “What about socialization?”  As I researched, I found this concern groundless.  Research actually shows that homeschooled children have a significantly higher self-concept than publically-schooled children (Self-Concept in Home-Schooling Children, John Wesley Taylor V, Ph.D., Andrews University).  Homeschoolers are more involved in their communities and in politics.  Twice as many of them report being “very happy” with life as compared to their peers.

What Made Us Decide To Homeschool?

Safety and Security

Although I did not base my decision to homeschool on this, I am glad to know that my children will not be exposed to bullying, alcohol, drugs and other undesirables. Many times I have heard parents say they do not want to shelter their children. But I do. I want to shelter them, using that time to grow their self-concept, and their ability to handle themselves in this world until it is time for them to step out confidently and independently.


Homeschooling provides freedom in so many areas!

Why did you decide to homeschool?

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