A Very Rare Winter Wonderland - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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A Very Rare Winter Wonderland

A Very Rare Winter Wonderland

It appears the meteorologists were correct this time! Yesterday after our walk to the park, temperatures plunged by about 40 degrees within a few hours. There was rain and sleet all evening and all night. We woke up to a very rare winter wonderland! Everything was coated in ice, creating a calm stillness, which I remember from my childhood in the North. Before the kids awoke, I took my camera outside for a few pictures.

A Very Rare Winter Wonderland
A Very Rare Winter Wonderland
A Very Rare Winter Wonderland
A Very Rare Winter Wonderland
A Very Rare Winter Wonderland

This all made for a very excited little boy, who has been longing for snow ever since hearing that his cousins in Canada have it all winter. He played outside for a long time, running, rolling, making snow angels, even eating the snow until he couldn’t take the cold anymore.

Time for a Craft!

One of the really great things about hours of playing in the snow and ice, is that it leads to nice long naps! After a few hours, I actually had to go and wake them up! When does that ever happen?! After lunch, Clark asked to create some artwork with glitter. He specifically wanted to write his name with glue and then glitter it. This was a complete lack of judgement on my part, but that’s exactly what we did!

I had him work on a cookie sheet so that we could contain the inevitable mess, although I’m quite certain I am going to find little pieces of glitter all about the house for the next 6 months. He wrote his name in glue and then sprinkled glitter all over the glue. The sprinkles actually come out really, really fast, so if you’re doing this, I would suggest closing the sprinkle holes until almost completely shut.

Then we shook the paper and glitter all around the cookie sheet, covering the glue with glitter. He thought that was so fun, that he had to make more, so we added on a Christmas tree and a girl beside the tree.

The kids couldn’t resist one more round of outdoor play. So I bundled them up once more and set them loose in the back yard. I have loved watching them today, playing outside for hours!

A Very Rare Winter Wonderland

Several times, I suggested that they come in to warm up, but there was no way that was happening! I finally ended up making some chocolate chip cookies and luring them in with them. Their little faces and noses were frozen, but they didn’t care! It’s been such a fun day for us all!

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