Nature Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Making a print with sun sensitive paper is a very simple and fun way to introduce your kids to the idea of photographic paper and how chemicals and light can create a print on paper. We've just started a study of photography in our homeschool, and I wanted to give my kids a hands-on experiment to demonstrate how to create prints with sun-sensitive paper. What You Will Need Sunprint Paper KitCardboard (or a hardcover book)A tub of water that will hold the size of your Sunprint PaperInteresting objects to print Step 1: Plan Your Print You can print anything you'd like, but...

There are many reasons that we may want to put little art projects aside. My most frequent excuses are "we're too busy," "we didn't even finish our math lesson today," and "I just cleaned the house - we're not about to mess it up again." It wasn't until I firmly decided to do art no matter what, that I realize all of my excuses were simply that - excuses. Art doesn't have to be time-consuming and messy, and it's just as important as math. It can be as simple as rock painting, a beautiful pairing of nature and creativity. We used...

We are just 2 days away from the once-in-a-lifetime solar eclipse, and I'm probably the only person left on the planet who hasn't bought the necessary glasses. It's a huge homeschool fail, I know. I see all the homeschoolers around me ramping up for the big event, drafting elaborate unit studies, inspiring excitement and anticipation. And me? When I finally get around to thinking about it, there are no solar eclipse glasses to be found. So, in true DIY fashion, we are going to make our own solar eclipse pinhole viewers. With young children, the solar eclipse pinhole viewers are maybe a better...

One of my absolutely favorite things about homeschooling is the freedom we have to explore whichever subjects that we choose. One of my children’s absolute passions – I imagine it is probably every child’s passion, if given the opportunity – is to experience nature. From early on Clark and Luci were fascinated with dirt, bugs, flowers, and weather. Personally, I’d rather hide inside and pretend that bugs and such do not exist, but at some point (it may have been when my children started bringing their new “pets” indoors), I was forced to acknowledge the importance and necessity of nature study in...

We live in Texas and it really doesn’t snow much here. It occasionally hails. Sometimes ice falls, and our entire world shuts down until it thaws. That’s always fun. But I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen it really snow here. Not the beautiful, soft snow that I remember from my childhood, growing up in Canada. You know the snow that creates a soft blanket that muffles all sound? The kind of snow that doesn’t fall, but actually floats down so gently from the sky. Or the kind of snow that crunches under your boot. My children have never experienced that ideal...

We are incredibly fortunate to live in a country full of beauty. We live in a country where any road trip can lead to the discovery of undeniable beauty and awe-inspiring views. This summer, we drove to Salt Lake City, Utah for my company’s annual Convention. Never one to miss out on a travel opportunity, I planned a visit to several of Utah’s National Parks while on  the way. Zion National Park We started with some adventure and beauty in Utah's Zion National Park and immediately declared it was our favorite. We didn’t know at the time, but each park that we visited would,...