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Fall is here, and it's time to break out the Halloween decorations! It's time to get your home ready for all the ghosts and goblins that will be coming your way! Halloween has always been one of my children's favorite celebrations - not for what it stands for, mainly because it comes with free candy and the opportunity to dress up. So every year, we do seasonal crafts and decorate the house. One of our favorite ways to decorate for Halloween is to make a million little spider webs. They are fun, and an easy...

If I would have fully understood what was involved in homeschool, I would guess that would have never undertaken it. I had not idea how incredible the task was. Since I began in ignorant bliss, I knew I had a lot to learn. I made it my responsibility to research as much as I could about the different philosophies of education, curriculum, styles, etc. Almost immediately, I was enamored with the Charlotte Mason approach. I began to look deeper into this philosophy. I was referred to For The Children's Sake: Foundations of Education for Home and School by Susan...

Our Paddle-to-the-Sea unit study (Chapters 6-7) continues. Clark and Luci are completely engrossed in this book, as we explore all of the details and subjects that each chapter introduces. Chapter 6:  Paddle Meets a Sawmill In Chapter 6, Paddle, wedged onto the side of a log, is transported to a sawmill. Needless to say, Clark and Luci had no idea what a sawmill was. Neither are there any to visit in our area, so we did the next best thing and searched YouTube. We found several videos demonstrating older and newer sawmills. The children found the rivermen fascinating. They marveled that the men managed to...

We live in Texas and it really doesn’t snow much here. It occasionally hails. Sometimes ice falls, and our entire world shuts down until it thaws. That’s always fun. But I’m not sure that I’ve ever seen it really snow here. Not the beautiful, soft snow that I remember from my childhood, growing up in Canada. You know the snow that creates a soft blanket that muffles all sound? The kind of snow that doesn’t fall, but actually floats down so gently from the sky. Or the kind of snow that crunches under your boot. My children have never experienced that ideal...

I’ve officially now seen a wedding invitation on Facebook. Is this what the world is coming to? I know I’m getting older and sometimes I don’t get the younger generation, but this was a bit much. So much of our communication is done by text and social media. I can’t even deny that I’m a part of this. It’s so much easier to have a conversation via text at my leisure (meaning when the kids aren’t being hoodlums) than hiding in the bathroom with my phone while they pound on the door. Who chats for hours on the phone anymore? Who writes...