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We are incredibly fortunate to live in a country full of beauty. We live in a country where any road trip can lead to the discovery of undeniable beauty and awe-inspiring views. This summer, we drove to Salt Lake City, Utah for my company’s annual Convention. Never one to miss out on a travel opportunity, I planned a visit to several of Utah’s National Parks while on  the way. Zion National Park We started with some adventure and beauty in Utah's Zion National Park and immediately declared it was our favorite. We didn’t know at the time, but each park that we visited would,...

Here’s a super simple craft for your young ones.  It’s a great way to help learn the Letter A, as well as the differences between a capital or lower case Letter A.  It’s a little labor-intensive with the scissors, but very doable.  We have been reading the book, How to Bake an Apple Pie and See the World, and this little craft made for an enjoyable afternoon together.  Or actually it took a couple of afternoons, because it’s no easy to cut out all those apples! We found these cute apples to cut out at Confessions of a Homeschooler.  They just happened to be...

We’ve been reading the book, How to Bake an Apple Pie and See the World as part of our Five in a Row homeschooling curriculum. In the book, a young girl decides to bake an apple pie but finds that the market is closed. So she travels the world, collecting all of the necessary ingredients for her apple pie. When we first read this book, the 6 different countries that the girl traveled to quickly became a little overwhelming for Clark and Luci. Since my children are very hands-on learners, I decided to make our geography into a hands-on adventure. I created a couple of...

My baby girl, Luci is turning 4 years old!  It’s my baby’s birthday and I’m making this about me. I have never been one of those Moms who falls to pieces with every milestone.  If that’s you, don’t take offense, it’s probably just my own personal defense mechanism so that I don’t have a public breakdown because of all the things that I miss as a working Mom.  For real.  But in the meantime, as other Moms were wiping their tears as they dropped their babies off at Preschool, I was high-tailing it home so I could get an awesome nap...

Seriously.  For my family, this is what homeschooling is all about!  It’s about having the freedom to do what you want, when you want.  I love that we don’t have to worry about getting up at a certain time, or going to bed at a certain time.  I don’t have to arrange my day around when school starts and when it ends.  We don’t have to waste time in car pool lines, and we don’t have to spend our evenings working on homework. Time is valuable and I love that I get to maximize my time with my family. Today, for...

Have you ever done a gratitude challenge?  My friend, Doreen recently wrote a thought-provoking article on her blog, Nocturnal Nonsense (no longer published), called The Gratitude Challenge.  Now, I’m going to be honest – I’ve seen these types of challenges before and have never gotten involved because I really regarded them mostly as fluff.  I never really believed in success psychology, and a Gratitude Challenge reeked of that to me. A Negative Mind will Never Leave to a Positive Life Thank-goodness I’ve learned a few things in my lifetime.  One thing I learned is that one of the reasons that I “never really believed in success psychology” was...