Cramming in Some Park Time - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Cramming in Some Park Time

Cramming in Some Park Time

We have been very busy cramming in some park time, spending as much time outdoors as we can!  We’re very fortunate that we still have nice enough weather in our part of the country to be playing outside, but I don’t expect this to last long.  We often have a week of warm weather in January, which is just enough to cause us shock when the cold February, rainy season arrives.  Then we’re back indoors again, dreaming of warmer weather.

We packed some snacks and went for a hike at a our favorite local nature preserve.  Clark and Luci were “too tired to walk anymore” until they saw the playground.  That somehow renewed their bottomless pits of energy.

Luci was given a scooter by a friend, so we had to go try that out at the park.  It’s been a while since Clark used his, so he needed a refresher, too!

We had a few tumbles, and lots of help from some worn out parents, but they really caught on quite well.  I hope we have time to go again before the cold weather hits and they forget what they’ve learned!

Official homeschool takes a back seat to the sunshine.  We have a few days of beautiful weather, and we are going to be busy playing outside, exploring the local parks and forests. Did I mention that I love homeschooling?!

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