Early Training for Successful Habits - Joanna Cinnamon
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Early Training for Successful Habits

Early Training for Successful Habits

On Fridays, Clark is home from his Preschool, so I have started to incorporate a little homeschooling into our routine. At this point, I am casually introducing some early training for successful habits. The one thing I’ve heard over and over and over again from Moms hesitant to homeschool is that they “don’t have the patience.” Well, friends, I have the least patience of anyone I know. However, I don’t actually believe that lack of patience is a reason not to homeschool. When we put in the effort to train our children while they are young, I know that we will benefit from the fruits of that early training later on. One thing I know for certain, for our family and our home life, is that habits are going to be key to our success. By starting early, I hope that our transition next year will be as natural and as smooth as possible.

Our Current Math and Reading Picks

We are currently working on the Horizons Math K1 workbook for math. For reading and phonics we are using Explode the Code and Alpha Phonics. We’re just starting Explode the Code, so I’m not 100% sure how I feel about it yet, but I LOOOOOVE the clarity and simplicity of Alpha Phonics. I need simple, and this is simple. My only issue with it, is what I had read on the many reviews before I purchased it – it’s boring for kids! Clark’s attention span with Alpha Phonics is about 2 minutes, no exaggeration. So, it definitively takes effort and involvement to make it interesting for him. Today, Clark pretended that he was the author of a book and wrote all of his words on small cards. I then tied the cards together with some yarn and he had a book! This was very exciting for him and he was eager to read it to his Daddy when he got home from work. Clark seems to take to reading very naturally and is doing very well with it.

Don’t Leave Little Sister Out!

Luci, who just turned two, will not be left out during our school time!  She insists on getting involved.  She loves to cuddle up next to Clark on the couch so that he can read his words to her and her dolly.  Right now, she is very interested in American Sign Language.  She loves to watch the Signing Time DVDs and practice the alphabet.  She concentrates very hard to get her chubby little fingers in the correct position.

Meanwhile, SOMEONE introduced Clark to the game “Angry Birds” (or as Luci calls it, “Hungry Birds”).  For fun, I found some “Angry Bird” themed printables online. Both of the kids enjoyed working on math and writing…  all the while thinking they were playing games.  I love it!   

And finally, a reward for all the “hard” work!  A game of  “Angry Birds”!

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