How to Create a Paper Sloyd Pen Box - Joanna Cinnamon
We are making our final model in our 2nd year of paper sloyd - a little pen box. Be sure to watch the video to see how we used this box!
paper sloyd, sloyd, pen box, Charlotte Mason, Homeschool
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How to Create a Paper Sloyd Pen Box

How to Create a Paper Sloyd Pen Box

Today we will be making our final model in our second year of paper sloyd. We will be making a pen box, which is project #14 from the second year, from the book Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich. This project is fairly simple, with minimal measuring and cutting. The final result is a little box that could have many uses. We may or may not have used ours in a ridiculous way, but it’s kind of cute, if you happen to love hamsters.

How to Create a Paper Sloyd Pen Box

Materials Needed

Happy Handicrafts Video: How to Create a Paper Sloyd Pen Box

I love how each paper sloyd project teaches us something different. We are taught a different skill, or a different way to create a box, such as this little pen box. Although we don’t have any pens small enough to fit into this box, I can think of many other uses for it. We’ve used them as a gift box, a place to store hair elastics, and a fun, new way to feed our pet. How will you use yours?

How to Create a Paper Sloyd Pen Box
How to Create a Paper Sloyd Pen Box

Thank-you for following along with us through this paper sloyd series! If you are just getting started, you can refer back to A Practical Guide to Your First Year of Paper Sloyd to help you get on your way. There you will find all 14 paper sloyd projects from our first year, as I work through the book with my children.

Stay with us as we continue to learn in Year 3!

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