How to Create a Paper Sloyd Quarterfoil - Joanna Cinnamon
It's important to bring joy into your home, with creativity and art, even if it's just making a paper sloyd quarterfoil, like we're doing today.
sloyd, origami,
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paper sloyd quarterfoil

How to Create a Paper Sloyd Quarterfoil

I’ve been gone from the online world for a while. We’ve had some heavy things happen in our family that required me to step back for a few months, for the sake of peace and mental health. I don’t know that I can say that time is healing, but I can say that the time off has recommitted us to our purpose of teaching other homeschool families how important it is to bring joy into your home, in the form of creativity and art – even if it’s just making a paper sloyd quarterfoil, like we are doing today.

We’ve come to the last section of our book, Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich. At the back of the book, there is a collection of 14 “Supplementary Models.” I’m not 100% sure why these are listed a “supplementary.” Maybe they are for extra practice, or for continued practice for those students who enjoy handicrafts. Either way, we are going to bumble our way through them as best we can. Many have absolutely no instructions at all, so I feel like they may be a test of our experience. But, as usual, we’re here to make your job easier. All you have to do, is sit down with us, and we’ll do the heavy lifting.

Materials Needed:

  • Quality cardstock or scrapbook paper (the book recommends Bristol Board)
  • Scissors
  • A quality compass (The flimsy ones that come with your geometry kit do NOT work well for this precision work.)
  • ruler
  • Glue
  • A hole punch
  • A pencil
  • Some yarn, ribbon, or twine

Happy Handicrafts Video: How to Create a Paper Sloyd Quarterfoil

We are working at creating useful videos for our homeschool friends, as well as growing our YouTube channel. If you find our videos useful, please take the time to subscribe to our channel!

paper sloyd quarterfoil

This paper sloyd quarterfoil was our first supplementary model, and it had us confused in the beginning! With little-to-no instructions and very little for measurements, we got off to a rocky start. After struggling through our first version, we realized that maybe the measurements we’re included because they actually weren’t needed! We took things back to basic, resorting to simple folds, and suddenly things got much easier! It was actually very useful to have worked through Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3!

Just another reason for you to follow along with us! We’ll make the mistakes and take the frustration for you! We don’t mind it – we’re crafty, so you don’t have to be! Just enjoy the time, creating!

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