How to Create a Stress-Free Homeschool Day - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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How To Create A Stress-Free Homeschool Day

How to Create a Stress-Free Homeschool Day

The one response I get EVERY SINGLE TIME from people when asked about homeschooling is: “I couldn’t never do that. I don’t have the patience.” Each time, I want to respond “Um…  Have we met?!” If you know me at all, you will know that I am probably the least patient person on the planet. So yes, homeschooling is a constant challenge to me because of this. But, because of the incredible benefits of homeschooling, I am always looking for ways to create a stress-free homeschool day.

Stress management is super important for me. I have a pretty intense job as a nurse. I work 12 hour night shifts and try to organize my time when I am off to homeschool my children, clean house, do laundry, get groceries, run errands – you know the drill. I have made stress-management a focus for myself in the last year. By incorporating each of the strategies listed in this download, along with some lifestyle changes, I have been able to safely come off of multiple prescription medications! This has been a true miracle for me! These 5 common sense strategies are a fantastic place to start, because they take very little effort, and just a little bit of habit. In fact, I am very confident that you will find them extremely enjoyable!

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