How to Refresh Last Year's Fairy Garden - Joanna Cinnamon
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How to Refresh Last Year's Fairy Garden

How to Refresh Last Year’s Fairy Garden

As part of our Five in a Row curriculum, we have been studying the book, Miss Rumphius.  It is such a sweet book about a woman who lived a full and wonderful life, and in the end wanted to do something to make the world a more beautiful place.  She did this by planting lupines.  Everywhere.  I loved this because I love lupines!

Of course, this story led to the study of plants, seeds and gardening, and a yearly refresh for last year’s fairy garden.  It’s pretty awesome when you can incorporate your daily activities into your learning so seamlessly!

Last Year’s Fairy Garden Didn’t Do Well

This was our fairy garden from last year.  It was a rough year for fairies in our garden…  there was some intense heat, snow and it ended with a terrible flood.  The fairy and her pet snail actually disappeared.  We’re choosing to believe that she flew away to a more welcome climate.

How to Refresh Last Year's Fairy Garden

This is our fairy garden one year later.  It’s a little rough. The long grass survived, but little else.  Weeds were growing everywhere, the miniature potted plants were upturned, and the pretty little mushrooms that we had painted were looking pretty sorry.

How to Refresh Last Year's Fairy Garden

With Clark and Luci’s help, we cleaned it all out and filled it with fresh new potting soil.  We went to the store and bought a few new plants.  It is going to be Clark’s job to keep them watered.  I hope he has better luck with plants than I do…

How to Refresh Last Year's Fairy Garden
How to Refresh Last Year's Fairy Garden

We also bought a few special accessories for the garden – some cute little fairy signs, another pet for the fairy – a cat and mouse – and we welcomed a new fairy to our garden.

How to Refresh Last Year's Fairy Garden
How to Refresh Last Year's Fairy Garden
How to Refresh Last Year's Fairy Garden

So here’s hoping for a better year for our fairy and her garden.  I’m already a little nervous because I’m not sure that that yellow plant is supposed to be yellow… 

How to Refresh Last Year's Fairy Garden

Our fairy garden refresh turned out to be simple and quick, and it looks super cute on our back porch. Have you made one with your kids? It’s a wonderful way to introduce gardening!

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