It's January and It's 75°! - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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It's January and It's 75°!

It’s January and It’s 75°!

I did mention that we would be spending a lot of time outdoors, didn’t I?  Well, it’s January and it’s 75° out, so we are outside! The weather has been unbelievable this week and we have been taking full advantage of it! Yesterday we spent the entire afternoon with our Co-op group at the park. We joined a Homeschooling Co-op back in September and have not been very active in it, despite the best of intentions.  We’re trying to get more involved. Clark and Luci were hesitant at first, but eventually met some new friends to play with and had a great time. It’s a nice break in routine for me, too. And it’s a great opportunity to meet other homeschooling Moms and share information and ideas.

It's January And It's 75°!

Getting Back to Nature has a Ton of Benefits!

Today, Clark and Luci begged to go to the park again.  It was literally shorts and t-shirt weather!  There was no way I could refuse.  Besides, their entire attitudes are so remarkably different when we are able to get out.  They are so much more pleasant and cooperative!  Clark gets his school work done very quickly and seems much more relaxed.  Great benefits for us all!

It's January And It's 75°!
It's January And It's 75°!

This park has a small pond with plenty of wildlife to see.  There are always ducks here, so we took some bread to feed them.  We also saw some turtles, craw fish and lots of bugs and berries.  The children seem to be fascinated by anything and everything!

We even got up fairly close to this Great Egret, who was thinking of trying out bread pieces.  He was flying around, back and forth, trying to get up the nerve to come closer, it seemed.  He was a little too shy, though, and flew away before getting up the nerve to try anything.

It's January And It's 75°!
It's January And It's 75°!

This park also has a huge play area and today it was PACKED.  I have never seen it so busy, even in the middle of summer.  I guess we weren’t the only ones wanting to get outside to enjoy the weather while we can!

It's January And It's 75°!

Clark and Luci ran and climbed and played for hours.  Which is awesome because the weather is going to be cooling off again and we’ll be back to working on our studies, enjoying the weather from the windows.

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