Last Minute Photo Session for Christmas Cards - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Last Minute Photo Session for Christmas Cards

Last Minute Photo Session for Christmas Cards

Every year I take pictures of my children for Christmas Cards.  I have this elusive fantasy of one day being super-organized and getting all of the pictures framed and lined up on the wall, documenting my babies’ growth through the years.  I am realistic enough to know that this may never happen.  Truth be told, I am lucky to get Christmas cards mailed out! In fact, I always include “Happy New Year,” just in case they are too late for Christmas.

Do you send out Christmas Cards every year?

For some reason the thought of Christmas cards did not even occur to me until this week.  Of course it’s now far too late to hire a photographer and get a lovely family portrait done, so we decided to settle for next-best and get at least the kids in the picture.  So today we took a little break to go to the local Nature Preserve, get in some physical activity, explore nature and grab a last minute photo session for Christmas cards..

Luci hasn’t figured out her smile yet.  Her posed smile is some hideous, contorted version of a sneer (poor baby had us dying laughing).  Clark decided to help her out a little.

I love this park.  It has paved and unpaved paths, taking you through meadows and forest, crossing streams and bridges.  The kids love it.  It’s so nice to get out of the house and explore nature.  We collected leaves for art projects, watched squirrels and bugs and threw rocks into the water.  Even a stick is pretty exciting when you living in the suburbs!

Making Memories

Our family made some memories and then I made our Christmas cards!  Mission accomplished for another year!  I now have another picture to put in the next fantasy frame, lining my wall.  One day I will get all that done.  One day….  In the meantime, I will keep enjoying every little moments, and will catch as many as I can on camera..

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