Massive List of 100+ Virtual Field Trips for Homeschoolers - Joanna Cinnamon
You can still get a variety of experiences by going digital. Here is the most massive list of 100+ virtual field trips for homeschoolers and anyone who would like to explore digitally.
virtual field trip, virtual tour, digital tour, digital field trip
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Massive List of 100+ Virtual Field Trips for Homeschoolers

Massive List of 100+ Virtual Field Trips for Homeschoolers

A second year of pandemic schooling has started, and although some schools are open and operating as usual, many are choosing operate in a more restrictive manner. As veteran homeschoolers, these choices have little effect on us. We have found ways to adapt and we are happy to share them with you! One way to still get a variety of experiences, and to provide various interactive lessons, is to turn to digital. Now, I’m not a huge fan of digital over reality, but this is a time when we all need to compromise! I would like to share with you the most massive list of 100+ virtual field trips for homeschoolers and anyone else who would like to explore digitally.

We incorporate these virtual field trips and tours into our science lessons, geography, history, and many are just for fun!

Massive List of 100+ Virtual Field Trips for Homeschoolers


Did you know that many zoos have live cameras to watch their animals any time you like? You’ll also find many aquariums, game reserves, animal sanctuaries, and even farms that have set up cameras for us to watch the animals. These are great for natural history, and so much better than TV!

Massive List of 100+ Virtual Field Trips for Homeschoolers

Famous Places and Landmarks

There are so many places that I would love to travel to. But let’s be honest, it’s hard getting everywhere you want, even without the restrictions of a pandemic! Virtual tours are one way to see many of these places up close and personal!

Massive List of 100+ Virtual Field Trips for Homeschoolers


Some museums have created virtual tours so that you can wander through their halls, enjoying their exhibitions without paying a dime! Take advantage of some of these amazing options!

Massive List of 100+ Virtual Field Trips for Homeschoolers

Factory Tours

Ever wonder how cars are actually made? What about M&Ms? Here are some interesting virtual field trips that show you the entire process!

Virtual Theme Park Rides

If travelling is still off limits where you are, sit the kids in front of the biggest TV you have, aim a high powered fan on them and watch the action. It’s a great way to take a break from school when needed! I may have even snuck in a spray bottle for the water slide rides.

Massive List of 100+ Virtual Field Trips for Homeschoolers

Other Interesting Places

Do you have a virtual field trip or tour that you love? Share it with us in the comments below!

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