freedom Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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freedom Tag

Seriously.  For my family, this is what homeschooling is all about!  It’s about having the freedom to do what you want, when you want.  I love that we don’t have to worry about getting up at a certain time, or going to bed at a certain time.  I don’t have to arrange my day around when school starts and when it ends.  We don’t have to waste time in car pool lines, and we don’t have to spend our evenings working on homework. Time is valuable and I love that I get to maximize my time with my family. Today, for...

We have been very busy cramming in some park time, spending as much time outdoors as we can!  We’re very fortunate that we still have nice enough weather in our part of the country to be playing outside, but I don’t expect this to last long.  We often have a week of warm weather in January, which is just enough to cause us shock when the cold February, rainy season arrives.  Then we’re back indoors again, dreaming of warmer weather. We packed some snacks and went for a hike at a our favorite local nature preserve.  Clark and Luci were “too tired...

When it comes to opinions about homeschooling, I think I've probably come a long way in a short time.  Less than one year ago, I was just like the majority of tax-paying parents. My (small-minded) thought was that homeschoolers were either crazy, "crunchy" hippies, and or religious fanatics. I could not understand why someone would choose to homeschool when you were paying school taxes - especially when you live in a top-rated school district.  So what changed? What made us decide to homeschool? I Was Starting to Get Worried With approximately one year until my first child started Kindergarten,...