gardening Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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gardening Tag

As part of our Five in a Row curriculum, we have been studying the book, Miss Rumphius.  It is such a sweet book about a woman who lived a full and wonderful life, and in the end wanted to do something to make the world a more beautiful place.  She did this by planting lupines.  Everywhere.  I loved this because I love lupines! Of course, this story led to the study of plants, seeds and gardening, and a yearly refresh for last year's fairy garden.  It’s pretty awesome when you can incorporate your daily activities into your learning so seamlessly! Last Year's Fairy...

We have started rowing The Tale of Peter Rabbit this week (and probably the next), so I wanted to do some gardening with Clark and Luci.  The incredible irony of this is that I. CANNOT. GROW. ANYTHING.  In fact, I'm really amazed that my children are growing so well!  At one point, I wanted a plant so bad that I bought a cactus. Would you believe I actually killed that too?! So this gardening endeavor was a big one for all of us!  The one thing that gives me courage is my Fairy Garden (you've got to check...