habits Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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When my children were still toddlers and preschoolers, I began to consider homeschooling as an option. I watched and studied homeschoolers and their lifestyles, hoping to get some insight. I witnessed many successful families that I respected and admired. There were other families that did not exactly inspire me. The families who had beautiful results, all seemed to have similar habits. These are the top 10 habits from super successful homeschoolers that I have observed, in no particular order. What is a Super Successful Homeschooler? But first of all, what is a super successful homeschooler? What...

On Fridays, Clark is home from his Preschool, so I have started to incorporate a little homeschooling into our routine. At this point, I am casually introducing some early training for successful habits. The one thing I've heard over and over and over again from Moms hesitant to homeschool is that they "don't have the patience." Well, friends, I have the least patience of anyone I know. However, I don't actually believe that lack of patience is a reason not to homeschool. When we put in the effort to train our children while they are...