ice storm Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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ice storm Tag

We are several days into our Very Rare Winter Wonderland, here in Texas. The weather is freezing and several inches of ice still cover the ground. Here in Texas, it snows or ices so rarely that when it does, there are no resources to manage it. There are a few trucks with sand available for the roads, but at times like this, those are clearly inadequate, so everything literally shuts down. This includes stores, schools, places of business. The roads are eerily empty. Since I work in a hospital, I still have to make...

It appears the meteorologists were correct this time! Yesterday after our walk to the park, temperatures plunged by about 40 degrees within a few hours. There was rain and sleet all evening and all night. We woke up to a very rare winter wonderland! Everything was coated in ice, creating a calm stillness, which I remember from my childhood in the North. Before the kids awoke, I took my camera outside for a few pictures. This all made for a very excited little boy, who has been longing for snow ever since hearing that...