paper crafting Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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paper crafting Tag

Our project today is a decorative paper sloyd whisk-broom holder. It is intended to hang on the wall, holding your whisk-broom. It is the 7th model from the 3rd year from the book Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich. The project is divided into two parts, the back of the holder and the pocket. Make sure you have enough paper for both! We found that a thick piece of 12" x 12" scrapbook paper was the perfect size. If you don't have a 12" x 12" piece, you could always use...

Anyone need a paper sloyd stamp book? We are moving into our second year of paper sloyd creations from the book Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich, and today we will be creating a stamp book. Now, I'm gong to be perfectly honest - we have no use for a stamp book. We don't use stamps very often, so we just tuck them away in my desk drawer until we need to use them. But they were apparently very popular in the early 1900s, when Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades was written! Stamp books...

Hello! It's time for us to release the eighth video in our Happy Handicraft Paper Sloyd series. This project is all about how to create a paper sloyd basket with handle. We found it to be a little more labor-intensive than previous projects, but we're here to walk you through each step. Just follow along with the video, pause where you need to, and I think you are going to love the results. My children and I are creating this series for other homeschool families, who could use some help. I know sometimes homeschool moms can be...