photography Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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photography Tag

I've had a small amount of training in professional photography. I've taken classes in college, and much more significantly I found a mentor who, for several years, taught me more than any college class could. Now as I begin to teach my homeschooled children about photography, I wanted to first address some myths that come with this subject, and to pass on some truths. In an effect not to overwhelm, I narrowed it down to three points. What are the three fundamentals of photography? 1. There is beauty everywhere. Take the time to find the beauty and create...

Every year I take pictures of my children for Christmas Cards.  I have this elusive fantasy of one day being super-organized and getting all of the pictures framed and lined up on the wall, documenting my babies’ growth through the years.  I am realistic enough to know that this may never happen.  Truth be told, I am lucky to get Christmas cards mailed out! In fact, I always include “Happy New Year,” just in case they are too late for Christmas. Do you send out Christmas Cards every year? For some reason the thought of Christmas cards did not even...

The morning after I officially pulled Luci out of her Mother’s Day Out program, she burst into our bedroom at 6 am, all excited, squealing:  “Am I going to school today, Mommy?  I need to get ready!”  My stomach just lurched and the second-guessing started.  All day I questioned my decision. Was this a selfish decision?  Is this in Luci’s best interest?  I struggled for several days with these thoughts until I took a moment to snatch some pictures of Clark and Luci playing together outside.  They were have a great time bouncing on balls, squealing and laughing, falling...