solar system Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
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solar system Tag

Clark and Luci are developing a fascination with the Solar System.  It’s been our whole focus this week as we read books, stayed up late to get a good glimpse of the moon, drew and colored the planets and anything else we can find that is Solar System related! Stick around for a beginner's guide to the solar system! A Solar System Panorama We started out with our favorite, enormous strip of paper, stretching through the entire entrance to our home.  For Clark and Luci, the bigger it is, the better! Then with a few library books on hand, with all of us on the...

We’ve been reading Harold and the Purple Crayon.  In the beginning of the book Harold draws a crescent moon to light up the night as he goes for a walk.  This began our interest in the moon, which has led to an interest in the solar system.  This is how rabbit trails happen in the Five in a Row curriculum, and I love it.  As the children show an interest in a subject, we explore it, learning as we go. So far we’ve learned about the phases of the moon, which I blogged about HERE. As I searched for information and ideas,...