How to Create a Paper Sloyd Bonbon Box - Joanna Cinnamon
If you celebrate the fall in any way, a fun way to show off your paper sloyd skill could be to hand out gifts in a paper sloyd bonbon box!
paper sloyd, bonbon box
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How to Create a Paper Sloyd Bonbon Box

How to Create a Paper Sloyd Bonbon Box

Our next paper sloyd project is just in time for the upcoming Halloween season! It is Project #11 from the book Paper Sloyd for Primary Grades by Ednah Anne Rich. This week we are going to learn how to create a paper sloyd bonbon box with an 8″x8″ paper. This is a fun activity for the whole family. If you are a homeschooling mom, you will love our entire Happy Handicrafts series for your students.

A paper sloyd bonbon box is a cute and personalized way to give a small present to someone special. If you celebrate Halloween, it is a fun way to show off your paper sloyd skills. You could hand out candy in a paper sloyd bonbon box!

How to Create a Paper Sloyd Bonbon Box

Materials Needed:

  • An 8″x8″ piece of paper (choose a firm type)
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch
  • Glue
  • Optional: Ribbon

Why Paper Sloyd?

Several months ago, we began learning paper sloyd in our homeschool. It had been recommended for our curriculum, but I never truly understood the purpose of it until I did a little research for myself. I outline the main points in a previous article, What is Sloyd? And Why is it a Valuable Tool in Home Education? As I am now seeing the results of this training with my children, I highly recommend it to all homeschoolers. You can get started with a simple project, Project #1, a paper sloyd envelope.

We’re Crafty, So You Don’t Have To Be!

And don’t get overwhelmed or discouraged, thinking you aren’t crafty! My children and I are making videos of each project as we go. You can find them all at Happy Handicrafts. Use us as a tool for your success! Just set your child up with our video and the supplies needed, and we’ll look after the rest!

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