Nature Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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Nature Tag

Spring is a Homeschooling family’s favorite season. The warming, yet still fresh air, the brightly blooming wild flowers, and the lingering days beckon to children and parents alike. There truly can’t be a more wonderful time to get outside, explore nature, and experience the fun and educational springtime activities that this season provides. Some of our favorite springtime activities cost little-to-nothing but serve to create special memories together, as well as to teach new and valuable skills. Here are our top 5 best springtime activities for homeschoolers: 1. Plant a Garden As the last frost finally comes and...

We have been fascinated for the past several weeks as we’ve watched a very special bald eagle family from Hanover, Pennsylvania, build their nest in preparation for their new family. This is our second year, witnessing the birth of a new bald eagle family and we are in love! Catch the Live Feed The Pennsylvania Game Commission has partnered with HDonTap to provide us with a live feed so that we can enjoy watching the eagles’ activities day and night, using night vision! I can’t think of a better way to get the children engaged and learning about the habits of these awesome birds than by watching them...

As part of our Five in a Row curriculum, we have been studying the book, Miss Rumphius.  It is such a sweet book about a woman who lived a full and wonderful life, and in the end wanted to do something to make the world a more beautiful place.  She did this by planting lupines.  Everywhere.  I loved this because I love lupines! Of course, this story led to the study of plants, seeds and gardening, and a yearly refresh for last year's fairy garden.  It’s pretty awesome when you can incorporate your daily activities into your learning so seamlessly! Last Year's Fairy...

Holidays can often be difficult in our family because of my work schedule.  As a Registered Nurse working in a hospital, I have a requirement to work several Holidays a year. Because of this, our Holidays are rarely on their actual day and they are frequently split up in order to get all of the fun in.  This Easter was one of those Holidays. Yesterday afternoon, we squeezed in our Easter Egg Hunt before I had to leave for work. I semi-hid some plastic eggs with little surprises in them. What I didn't expect was the kids to...

Oh the things you discover…!  As I’ve been researching homeschooling, I keep coming back to the English educator, Charlotte Mason from the late 1800s and her methods.  Her approach to education rings so true and I strongly believe that it would be extremely effective for my children.  One thing Charlotte Mason stresses is the importance of outdoor nature study with children.  In fact, she suggests 4-6 hours of this every day!  Although this may be too lofty of a goal, several hours once a week for nature study may be more attainable. Find a Local Nature Preserve Since today is Friday and I work all weekend, I wanted to get the...