swan Archives - Joanna Cinnamon
natural health, homeschool, homeschooling, essential oils
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swan Tag

It's December and it's 76 degrees outside. Tomorrow, the weather forecasters are threatening us with freezing temperatures. That's what it's like in Texas in the winter - shorts and t-shirts one day, scarves and mittens the next! We don't often take the weather forecasts very seriously, but today, we thought we would get in one more visit to the park before it became, as one meteorologist called it, "entombed in ice." Dramatic much? We had noticed that our friendly, neighborhood swan was still at the pond, and the kids had been begging to go back...

Although we are not going to officially be starting homeschool until next year (2014) when Clark would be starting Kindergarten, I've been thinking trying to think of what it is going to look like for us. Ideally, I want to incorporate lots of nature and outdoor activities into our daily life. As a new homeschooler, I am still learning what that will involve. But in the meantime, I would like to start inserting this ideal into our lives. The Perfect Opportunity Today presented the perfect opportunity. As I was driving Clark to his Preschool, we passed...